Friday, 29 December 2017

Condensate Polishing: A Vital Aspect Of Plant Maintenance

Condensate polishing is an underrated aspect of any plant and companies need to realise this fact. A condensate polishing unit is essential for efficient plant operations and there are different companies that are providing the right solutions to plants that need this unit. The condensate polishing is known for their efficiency in preventing the concentration of soluble impurities.

It is a known fact that impurities can damage and corrode the unit's internals and damage boilers and turbines. Impurities have the tendency to re-circulate in the stream due to corrosion. Am increase in insoluble impurities such as copper, iron, and silica are common. If companies ignore this and leave it unchecked, there is a high chance of the impurities leading to corrosion and eventually plant failure.

Ultra-supercritical generators commonly use a condensate polishing unit and it is an extremely crucial aspect of a plant. The reason why these generators need these units is that the impurities have a tendency to accumulate in the turbine from the boiler. The buildup of hard deposits can lead to damage, unproductive operations, more costs, and sometimes even shutdowns.

Purity and Efficiency

A condensate polishing unit is also efficient in protecting condenser leaks which protects the system. In case there is a leak, the operators can swiftly shut down the plant and make the necessary repairs. The best part about a condensate polishing unit is that it buys you time to get the maintenance work going while continuing the operations. Once the impurities are removed, the system will help in maintaining the efficiency of the plant.

One of the key features that companies desire form condensate polishing unit is purity. Although there is no guarantee that plants will be immune to certain issues, condensate polishing units can often ensure that the operations continue with certain minor leaks. In most cases, this could lead to a shutdown, so it is definitely a better alternative. Plants with condensate polishers can also be fired up quicker, which will save time and boost the efficiency of the plant.

Naran Lala has created a niche for itself in the realm of Distillery and Chemical Plants. Their condensate polishing units are in line with the market parameters and help develop sustainable and reliable plants. The company has provided consistent quality solutions to companies across industries. Naran Lala’s professional, reliable, and highly-trained construction workforce makes it possible to deliver the best solution every time.

1 comment:

  1. Very educational post.

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